Monday, April 7, 2014

A new but old post as I learn about this.

This seems apropos having been to the zoo this past weekend- the tigers were out!
Big difference between Mill Mountain Zoo and The Cincinnati Zoo; MM is so small Ruby was a real star.

Today’s Journal Entry

December 18th, 2006.  Nubie’s last day.

I have made the difficult decision to euthanize my dog today. She is nearly blind, nearly deaf, confused, incontinent, and increasingly unable to get up or move around easily. She walks with her tail between her legs  Sometimes she can’t get up at all.. I have noted this for some time, but she was still having “good days.” She enjoys her food, being petted, and seems content enough just sitting and being. I was feeling very wrong about my decision yesterday as she followed me around the property and was getting around well enough. She dragged one back leg a little but otherwise did O.K.

Last night I let her out one more time and she just kept walking, head pointed forward, right for the embankment - I had to run and grasp her collar and say “No, Nubie, honey, this way.” I guess today she will go off a bigger embankment.

I had Mike dig the hole weeks ago, and he walked her around the property today, letting her do one last circuit. He is meeting me in town with the dog in two hours. I wonder if she sniffed her final resting spot and wondered what it was.

A few mornings ago, I woke up wondering if tigers had an immortal soul, and if they did, did they have their own heaven?  Is there room for tigers in heaven with men? Ruby, the Mill Mountain Zoo tiger, was euthanized Dec 10th, and though I visited her only once in all the time I have lived here, the news hit me pretty hard. I like the idea of her there, and with Nubie’s impending date with the inevitable looming and my mother’s terminal illness, anything having to do with the death of someone loved is rough these days. I read part of a child’s tribute to her in the paper yesterday, before the page swam out of focus I noted that the child was writing condolences to the zoo staff, stating “ it must be hard to lose a tiger that glory is.”  Children are so apt sometimes.
A tiger that glorious.
A tiger that glory is.
A black lab that glory is.

Goodbye to my faithful friend, I hope you can forgive me if I ever wasn’t Mom enough, if I ever took you for granted.

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